Our “Plastic-Surgery World”

My brilliant and sensitive friend Zan Dubin Scott writes:  This is why we can’t have nice things: we live in a plastic-surgery world and buy too many new things all the time.  They’re spraying this gorgeous fir GREEN! It’s not GREEN enough for the shopping center. And polluting everyone with toxic paint while they’re at it.

This really is illustrative of the sad, phony, robo-consumer society we have become.  Optimists believe our civilization can somehow come together and deal with the horrific threats we face in terms of things like environmental collapse, out-of-control pandemics, and world fascism.  If there is a path to sustainability, it begins with a better respect for one another and for nature itself.

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One comment on “Our “Plastic-Surgery World”
  1. Thanks for amplifying the message, Craig!