David Brooks: “The Rotting of the Republican Mind”

In his most recent article, columnist and social observer David Brooks analyzes the forces that are widening the chasm between the political left and right, noting that it’s not as much economic as it is intellectual. In particular, he discusses how it’s possible that “77% of Donald Trump’s backers believe that Joe Biden had won the presidential election because of fraud. Many of these same people think climate change is not real. Many of these same people believe they don’t need to listen to scientific experts on how to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.”

Virtually an entire political party in the U.S., as well as right-wing populist parties in many other countries, have become detached from reality.

Not to give anything away, but Brooks concludes that those who are attracted to “alt-truth,” whether it’s promulgated by Donald Trump or Alex Jones or QAnon, receive things that are quite valuable to them on a deep psychological level, and asking them to let go of these things will not happen unless they are given a substitute.

What is that replacement, and how do we get there?  Check out the article; Brooks may be the most astute cultural commentator in our world right now.

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