Trump’s True Gift: Fleecing Suckers

Late 19th Century huckster P.T. Barnum told us, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

And nowhere has this more thoroughly been proven than here and now, in the United States, as Donald Trump, 45th U.S. president, continues to take this country for the ride of its lifetime. 

Even those of us who hope to see Trump die in prison have to admit one thing: he’s never lost.  He’s had setbacks throughout his life, to be sure, but he’s always been able to find some fool, or group of fools, whom he’s able to cajole into coming to his aid just before he falls into a pit from which he cannot extricate himself.

It certainly appears that the end of his presidency and the subsequent onslaught of criminal indictments means the end.  But will it?  According to these reports, his base of suckers has created a war chest of $150+ million, which they donated based on the lie that the funds would be spent proving the (groundless) allegations of voter fraud, thus overturning the 2020 election results.

It now looks like that cash will be invested in defending Trump against whatever charges are leveled on him, whether they are violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause, fraud, tax evasion, obstruction, witness tampering, abuse of power, campaign finance violations, negligent homicide, treason, or anything in between.

Will he succeed?  It’s a function of how many new suckers this conman can swindle.  There’s no reason to think he’s exhausted the supply.

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