C.S. Lewis Brought Us Great Thoughts, Reading Pleasures

C. S. Lewis is now a subject of discussion primarily by virtue of his adopting Christianity, given his former position as an avowed atheist.  But doesn’t this fixation on his religion seem like something of a shame, given that he was arguably the greatest writer of young people’s fiction in the entire history of the English language?

I was lucky enough to have had a 10-year-old daughter who had been assigned to read Lewis’s The Narnia Tales, which brought me the pleasure of sharing the reading duties as follows: “I’ll read a paragraph, and then you read a paragraph, and at the end of the chapter, let’s explain to each other what we’ve gotten out of it.”

We finished out on the front porch, my daughter deeply moved as the tale came to its close, me crying like a baby.

I wish every one of you the same type of fortune.

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