Questions and Answers

Here’s a concept I just came across:

There are years that ask questions and years that answer. -Zora Neale Hurston (pictured), folklorist and writer (7 Jan 1891-1960)

Interesting, but doesn’t it seem that each year both asks and answers questions?

The year 2020 brought the U.S. an election that replaced its president with a new one, but where exactly is all this going?  More violence before the end of Trump’s term?  Criminal prosecution after it’s done?

We’d like to think that all the Trump supporters, QAnon believers, and white supremacists that seem to have emerged from nowhere will somehow disappear (“crawl back under the rocks they crawled out of” to use my wife’s words).  But how likely is that?  The same viewpoints, attitudes and economic conditions that made Trump possible in the first place haven’t gone anywhere.

Fact: We live with a pandemic.  Question: How and when will be get it under control, given the multiplicity of contributing factors: anti-maskers, new viral mutations, etc?

Lots of answers, but even more questions.

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