Something Strange Is About To Happen in the United States

Because my wife has been involved in the thoroughbred horse breeding industry for the past 30 years, I have to admit that I’ve been out to the track more than a few times.  I recall, essentially out of boredom, betting on a race filled with slow, cheap horses, all with terrible past race performances and pitiful workout times, and thinking to myself: well, one of them is actually going to win this race, though it’s almost impossible to imagine.

I get a similar feeling looking at the cartoon here.  One of two things has to happen in the United States over the coming months, both of which are seeming impossibilities.  Either a) Trump supporters will come to accept the fact that their candidate lost the 2020 presidential election and go away peacefully with their collective tails between their legs, or b) chaos will continue to reign over this formerly great country, driven by the large majority of 74 million voters who think the election was rigged/stolen, and take to the streets to fight it out with semi-automatic weapons in what is tantamount to a second Civil War. If there is a third option I’m unaware of it.

A horse with three legs is about to win a race, and it’s hard to imagine which one.

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2 comments on “Something Strange Is About To Happen in the United States
  1. Gary Tulie says:

    I think the best thing Trump could do for his remaining few days as President is to (in an open secret kind of way) quietly disappear from the spotlight, and go play golf leaving Mike Pence de-facto running the country. After Joe Biden’s inauguration, he should declare that he is retiring and will have no further involvement in politics. That way, perhaps he will do no further harm and with him no longer involved, his followers may no longer be interested in pursuing his various conspiracy theories.

    Can’t see it happening, but such a move might allow him to save face enough for him to consider – especially if it were informally agreed that in exchange for such, certain legal issues might not be pursued.