Lawyers, Guns and Money

As recently as 30 years ago there were American jurists, and conservative ones at that, who had completely different interpretations of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution from what we have now.

What changed?  How about big money in politics?  The power of the gun lobby is just one more symptom of the disease that has brought the United States to its knees.

Ask yourself how Donald Trump landed in the White House.  At the core was a cadre of extremely wealthy people whose contributions made it possible for him to win the electoral college vote in 2016, so that, largely behind the scenes, they could  do what they wanted to with the federal government, i.e., to destroy it.  Everything from labor to education to the environment to the management of federal lands, to the treasury were deeply perverted so as to further enrich the people who had put Trump into power.  Trump get in trouble?  Enter Bill Barr to obstruct justice long enough for him to serve his full term.

Progressives are generally pleased with what Biden has done in his first two weeks in office, but let’s not kid ourselves.  At the center of the American republic lies the dollar, and as long as that’s true, any real progress that benefits the people will remain in very short supply.

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