Last Week This Guy Was a Constitutional Scholar; Today He’s a Climate Scientist

The cartoon here is funny, but its implications aren’t.

“The election was rigged.”  “COVID-19 numbers are overinflated.”

When it comes to climate change it’s either: a complete hoax perpetrated by the anti-capitalists, caused by something other than human activity, a very minor threat, or so large that it’s impossible to mitigate.

Readers are constantly sending me their ideas about Milankovitch cycles or solar events as the true drivers of global warming.  I shouldn’t be sarcastic, but sometimes I’ll respond, “You know, that’s amazing.  I can see from your profile that you’re an insurance salesman in Baton Rouge, and you’ve discovered something that every single one of the tens of thousands of climate scientists, some of whom have been working on this phenomenon since the 1970s, has missed.  I see a Nobel Prize in your immediate future.”

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