Common Sense Gun Laws Are Extremely Popular, But…..

We don’t need another reminder of how broken our democracy is, but if we did, the meme here would certainly get the job done.

It’s hard to imagine anything with a higher rating of public approval than universal background checks for prospective gun owners.  But not only is it not a law, we cannot even get a discussion of the subject on the floors of Congress.

That’s because the National Rifle Association, formerly a promoter of gun safety, is now the most powerful lobbying organization in the known universe, and openly threatens to destroy the career of anyone who defies them.

Do these statements promising harm to those who act in defiance have an effect?  (That was a joke.)  Just look at these cowards and their slavish devotion to an EX-president whose party’s own leaders acknowledge him to be a criminal.

Maybe at one point, pre-Trump, you thought that congresspeople were brave, high-integrity people, which would have made you sadly naïve.  If you believe that now, you’re totally insane.

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