
Please check out at least the first few seconds of the video here.

While you’re smiling, realize that Iceland is actually a very good candidate for emigration if the United States loses its democracy.  This looked like a real possibility just a couple of months ago, and we’re still not out of the woods.  If the Supreme Court allows full-on voter suppression and the 14th and 15th Amendments become meaningless, our electoral process will be a simple formality that perpetuates the American oligarchy.

At that point, a great number of us will want to pack our bags and move to a country that still features a government of, by, and for the people, and again, Iceland is a fairly decent example.

Do you know what they did when some white collar criminals conspired to commit a massive fraud that crashed their economy, parallel to what happened here in 2008?  They threw them in prison!   That’s right, they didn’t let money and power push them around; they implemented real justice, as bizarre as that may seem to us here in the States.

Prime Minister since 2017, Katrín Jakobsdóttir is both a pacifist and a heavy-duty environmentalist. She could no more be elected here than she could fly to the moon in a kayak.

Lots of intelligent, well educated people–mostly English speaking, living in a decent level of harmony with one another.  Sounds like a winner.

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