CATO Institute: Noncitizens Don’t Illegally Vote in Detectable Numbers

An old friend cites this report published shortly after the 2020 election by the Libertarian think-tank The CATO Institute and writes:

In 2006, Texas reported that unauthorized immigrants contributed $18 billion to the state economy, contributed $1.58 billion in taxes and received $1.16 billion in state services.In 2010, the Social Security Admin estimated that illegal immigrants and their employers contributed $13 billion to Social Security and Medicare for which they will never receive benefits. I can only imagine that those numbers have gone up significantly. The Cato Institute (founded and funded by Koch bros) stated in Nov 2020 after the election that “there is no evidence that non-citizens voted in large enough numbers to affect any election nor the number of electoral votes.” But at left is what the people who want minorities to faint of dehydration in voting lines would like you to believe.

Exactly. We live in a world in which facts don’t matter, so why not fabricate whatever fiction suits your purpose?

Fortunately, the new voter suppression laws in Georgia will not stand, if only because large companies headquartered in the state are crying foul.

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