The Limiting of Voting Rights in Georgia Will Not Stand

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy: Is the White House concerned that Major League Baseball is moving their All-Star Game to Colorado, where voting regulations are very similar to Georgia(‘s)? 

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki:

Let me just refute the first point that you made.  Colorado allows you to register on election day. Colorado has voting by mail, where they send to a 100% of people in the state who are eligible applicants to vote by mail. Ninety-four percent of people in Colorado voted by mail in the 2020 election.

They also allow for a range of materials to provide for the limited number of people who vote on election day. I think it’s important to remember the context here of the Georgia legislation is built on a lie. There was no widespread fraud in the 2020 election. Georgia’s top Republican election officials have acknowledged that repeatedly in interviews.  What there was, however, was record-setting turnout, especially by voters of color… What we’re seeing here for politicians who didn’t like the outcome, they’re not changing their policies to win more votes, they’re changing the rules to exclude more voters. And we certainly see the circumstances as different.

Two observations:

a) Psaki is extremely well prepared–here and everywhere else she appears.  Journalists from extreme right-wing media sources routinely get their heads handed to them when they attack her based on false information, whether that means honest mistakes, or, more probably, lies.

b) Her point here is extremely difficult to refute.  You want to make it a crime to help a registered voter cast their ballot?  If it’s not voter suppression, what is it?  What’s driving the CEOs of the largest corporations headquartered in the state and the Commissioner of Major League Baseball to reject Georgia’s position here?  They want to pump up voter fraud so the United States can become an impoverished, socialist nation?  That’s how insane all this is.

The GOP will not regain leadership with illegal tactics.  Americans won’t stand for it.  If the Republicans expect to return to power, they will have to show voters how they are legitimately superior to their opponents.  That can mean standing for small government, personal accountability, border protection, getting tough on crime, a strong military, unlimited gun rights, privatization of activities formerly performed by government, low taxation, minimal regulation, family values, or whatever.

It can’t mean violating the U.S. Constitution, whose 15th Amendment, ratified on February 3, 1870, as the third and last of the Reconstruction Amendments, “prohibits the federal government and each state from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen’s race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

That simply will not work.

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