We Are All Connected

Not surprisingly, Santa Barbara is home to a group called Friends of Carl Jung. Famous for his theories of the collective unconscious, myth, and the archetypes they contain, Jung is among the most important supporters of the idea that we are all connected in ways that transcend our ability to perceive directly.

One of my regrets about leaving this Earth in, at best, the next few decades is that it’s very unlikely I’m going to live to see what science ultimately learns about the true nature of consciousness–human and otherwise.  We may be close to having physics in the bag, i.e., a grand unification theory, a comprehension of dark energy and matter, and the rest, but we are a million miles from an understanding of what makes us who we are in terms of our thoughts and emotions.

I will be surprised if it turns out that there is no spiritual component, i.e., that everything associated with all this is a result of brain activity.  I’d like to say, “We’ll see,” but what I mean is, “If we still have a civilization long enough for science to do its thing, somebody will see.”

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