Tucker Carlson Wants to be the Next Trump, and He Could Succeed

From thisDonald Trump was merely the trial run intended to show far more intelligent and capable wanna-be fascists how to do it, Tucker Carlson certainly being among them. Given his recent antics on his television show, it seems safe to assume that Carlson is indeed aiming for bigger things, and the left needs to prepare for what his potential run would look like.

Until 2015 when Trump came on the political scene, there was an unwritten rule that a candidate for U.S. President had to be a decent human being, and needed credentials that would at least suggest some capability in handling foreign and domestic affairs.  Of course, all that’s gone now, but are we really ready for a Fox News anchor?

Fox News frequently finds itself on the wrong end of defamation law suits, which it combats with a single and historically effective response: We are not news; the material we present is not factual, and any reasonable person knows that.

Tucker Carlson is to journalism what professional wrestling is to sports. His job is to entertain, each evening, with an hour-long segment of hateful lies.

Have we fallen as a nation?  Obviously.  Have we sunk to this?  Sorry, Tucker, you are a spoiled, detestable turd, no we haven’t.

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