If You’re in the “Trump Wing” of the GOP, You Need Something That Proves You’re Crazy

Ever since Trump came on the political scene in 2015, we’ve been saying that we live in a “post-truth world” in which “facts no longer matter.”

Now, it seems, we’ve taken all this one step further.

For what could be called the “Trump wing” of the Republican party, the belief in at least something that is completely absurd is de rigueur, i.e. demanded by current custom.  Rock bands of the 20th Century had to have long hair, and GOP politicians who side with Trump, like Andrew Clyde (pictured), need to believe that things like the insurrection at the Capitol was a “normal tourist event.”

Like the rest of the world, Clyde has seen footage of hundreds of seditionists scaling the building’s walls, massive objects breaking windows and knocking down doors, Capitol policemen being beaten senseless, and human feces smeared on floors and walls.

But the kicker is this:  none of that matters.  In fact, quite the opposite.  Clyde has just earned his stripes by proving that he’s at least as insane as his followers.

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