Antifa Stormed the Capitol on January 6th?

The concept expressed at left here reminds me of an embarrassing admission I’d like to to make.  When a conservative acquaintance who had actually been at the Capitol on January 6th to protest the “stolen election” told me that the riot was a false flag operation, perpetrated by BLM and/or Antifa, and designed to make Trump supporters look stupid, I believed that this could be true.  After all, it wouldn’t be the first false flag event in the world, and it sure did make Trump supporters look even more stupid/insane than they appeared at the time.

And this theory actually could have held up, were it not for the hundreds of indictments that followed in the weeks and months after the insurrection, every single one of which went against someone known to be loyal to the liar-in-chief.

Are there still some crackpots who haven’t given up on this?  Sure, but I believe the majority of the stolen election crowd grants that these people were honest-to-God Trump supporters who made bad mistakes.  They just want to put it behind us, so we can move on to the next insanity.


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