Convicted Felon, Retired U.S. General Calls for Coup, Remains Free

Apparently, I’m not the only one who was outraged that a retired general could call for a military coup against the United States and not be immediately arrested.  I suggested Michael Flynn’s arrest in my recent post: Michael Flynn: “A Myanmar-like Coup Should Happen in U.S.”

Richard Painter, chief White House ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush administration, apparently agrees, as we infer from his remarks at left.

It’s hard for us Americans to imagine what sort of country we’ll have if we normalize sedition, because nothing remotely like this has ever occurred in our history; we’ve only observed the chaos and repression from afar, regarding such countries with a blend of pity and contempt.

And contemptible it is.  An entire political party has gone the direction of complete criminal insanity.  It’s hard to look at all this and not be sickened.

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