Republicans Need To Offer Americans Real Value, and That’s Simply Not Happening

Pardon the profanity here, but this woman makes an excellent point.

It’s possible that American voters are starting to see how far to the right the Republican party has squirted over the past few years; perhaps we’ll find out in the 2022 election.

Abortion, though it’s only one of dozens, is an excellent example. Republicans protect the fetus at all cost, but do everything in their power to ensure that the baby, from the moment it’s born, receives zero help from the U.S. government in terms of nutrition, healthcare, maternity leave, environmental protection, day care, and preschool.  Then when she enters kindergarten, she encounters the worst possible public education: uninspired, underpaid teachers, huge class sizes, and lousy, outdated infrastructure.

If her parents earn minimum wage, they may be working two or three jobs, and thus occupy only a minimal part of her life.

She may be taught creationism as science, and climate change?  Perhaps no mention of it at all.

Upon graduation, she starts racking up debt in the form of student loans that will weigh her down throughout her life.

News flash: Americans do not want this.


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