Judge Orders Trump To Pay $570,000 Debt To El Paso Before He Tours Border

From this article reporting “Trump will need to pay a significant debt if he intends to tour the US border with Mexico”

Trump is reportedly planning to join republican governor Greg Abbott to tour Texas’s border, but a judge in the county of El Paso has said the former president will need to pay his debt first.

El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego said Trump will have to pay his $570,000 (USD) debt to the county if he wants to take part in the tour. This debt has been created by the ‘Make America Great Again’ rally that took place on February 11, 2019, at the El Paso County Coliseum.
The bill amassed was not only for the coliseum, it also included the amount needed for local authorities to provide security, transportation, and traffic services. Trump was requested to pay the bill in April 2019 when its total was $470,417, but late fees have now been added on, KTSM-9 TV reports.

Speaking about the situation, city Rep. Alexsandra Annello told the El Paso Times, ‘It shows a lack of concern for the community and the tax-paying voters of El Paso.’ She also noted the unwillingness to pay what is owed has ‘put a financial burden on this community,’ adding Trump ‘has yet to show us the respect we deserve. It is clear that our borderland is not a priority of the president.’

In October, the non-profit outlet The Center for Public Integrity found Trump reportedly owes at least $1.82 million in campaign costs to 14 communities.
If Trump had one good quality, one shred of decency, it might be possible to see how many essentially honest people support him. As it is, however, lying and cheating are essentially all he’s capable of.
The saddest part of all this for the entire nation, is that Trump left an indelible stain.  As long as the United States remains a sovereign country, it will be remembered as the land that elected one of the worst human beings ever to walk the Earth.  The honor associated with the office of the U.S. president will be diminished forever, as will be the pride of being an American citizen.
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