GOP Congressman Says He Wants ’18 More Months of Chaos’ to Stall Democrats So Republicans Can Retake Congress in 2022

I wrote a post on this subject recently, but I want to re-express what a vile bastard Chip Roy is, and, by extension, how repugnant the entire Republican party is.  We now know, as if we didn’t before:

The GOP’s claim that they want to “come across the aisle” and work together with the Democrats is an absolute lie.

The GOP has no interest in helping the American people, only with staying in power.

I understand that there are conservative people out there who believe (incorrectly) that our country is headed towards socialism, or whatever, but obstructing the lawmaking process, covertly and deliberately inflicting damage on our country, is treason.

Gosh, we have a lot of that going on around here, don’t we?

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