Convergence of Mainstream Conservatism with the Extreme Far-Right

Wow.  Here’s a cheery thought from behavioral scientist and researcher Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D, who specializes in studying disinformation.

What she says here is what the past and present might suggest, but will it get that far?  Even Fox News is stepping down off the “stop the steal” express.

What we read about in the Washington Post article ‘Pure insanity’: How Trump and his allies pressured the Justice Department to help overturn the election was frightening indeed.  It appears that the United States came quite close to a coup, but it failed, and it’s hard to think of a mechanism by which these lunatics can come back for seconds.

It’s impossible to know what’s happening behind closed doors, but from here, it looks like the Justice Department is coming down on the seditionists in a big way, and that this is going to bring this whole disgusting movement to a complete halt.

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