Biden’s Tackling Himself on the Way To the Climate Goal Line

Biden’s saber-rattling with China is at odds with his wish to address the climate crisis, as discussed here.  From the article:

The Biden administration came into office promising a return to both climate action and diplomacy after years of confrontation and denialism under Trump. But when it comes to China, unfortunately, the administration has endangered both diplomacy and climate action by presiding over a reflexive bipartisan belligerence.

Since taking office, the Biden administration has embraced a new military ramp-up aimed at countering China’s relatively modest military capabilities, backed hawkish legislation designed to hobble China and maintain U.S. global primacy, and wrapped otherwise independently popular domestic policies in the language of zero-sum competition with China.

It’s hard to argue with this.  China has been working hard to dominate the world for 6000 years, and is on course to do exactly that in the relatively near future. And a huge part of the reason for that success is that they spend very little on military build-up.

China’s task here is facilitated by the Russians, who have been monstrously effective in taking down America by installing a sociopath in the White House and watching as our nation crumbles as a result.

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