Achieving Negative CO2 Emissions

According to Bloomberg, the terrifying new IPCC report on climate change has caused scientists to re-assert the need for negative CO2 emissions technologies, i.e., those that actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

There are several problems associated with this, however:

The fact that the concentration of CO2 is only about 400 PPM means that 99.96% of the atmosphere is something other than CO2, and thus pulling the gas out of anything except point sources (like coal and concrete plants) is highly impractical.

Today, the CO2 that is removed in carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is pressurized and used to enhance the efficiency of oil and gas extraction, thus encouraging the continuation of fossil fuels consumption.

CCS has been used, and will continue to be used, by Big Oil to delude the public into believing that the industry is headed in the right direction, which it clearly is not.

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