Climate Advisors To Implement Adaptation Measure on Eight Pacific Islands

The Rocky Mountain Institute, now called RMI, was founded in 1982, dedicated to research, publication, consulting, and lecturing in the general field of sustainability.  I’ve had the pleasure of meeting its co-founder, chairman and chief scientist Amory Lovins at multiple conferences. What a fantastic contribution he’s made over the years.

The meme here speaks to climate change adaptation (rather than mitigation), which will be an important ingredient in minimizing the suffering caused by global warming.  Chief here, of course, is addressing the challenge of sea-level rise.

From Yale Climate Connections:  Scientists expect global sea level will rise between eight inches and 6.6 feet by 2100, threatening low-lying coastal areas.  Thus we see the imperative to install massive drain pipes and pumps, raise roads, and strengthen sea walls.


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