Identify Oneself As Insane Not a Good Idea, Especially in the Workplace

If I’m not mistaken, “being vocal” in today’s climate means speaking out about the stolen election and the rest of the far-right idiocy.

For me, this brings back to mind the days in the 1990’s, when I was running a marketing services agency with as many as 110 employees.   It never occurred to me to concern myself with their politics. Only a few had bumper stickers, so the subject would have had to come up in conversation, which it rarely did.

Of course, it didn’t matter much.  Clinton was in office, a moderate Democrat.  He beat George H.W. Bush, and then Bob Dole and Ross Perot.  None of these people were sociopaths, and had one of my employees favored one, it wouldn’t have bothered me.

Fast forward to today where being a Republican means buying the Big Lie, denying climate change, accepting (or perhaps engaging in) white nationalism, and maintaining that vaccinations are an attempt by the government to control our minds. I can’t say I would be as sanguine with having that belief system in my office.

I can understand that identifying oneself as a lunatic might be a career-limiting move.

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