The U.S. Attempt To Control the Pandemic is Foundering, But Why?

Here are some COVID-19 numbers, daily new cases per 100,000 people, as of yesterday, in the U.S. and three others countries I chose at random:

France 16

Germany 13

Argentina 9

U.S. 49

What’s going so wrong here?  We don’t drink enough wine?  Eat enough bratwurst?  Play enough soccer or dance enough tango?

Anything’s possible, but if we look for the most likely cause, it just might be that the U.S. is unique in the world for its staggeringly large numbers of anti-vaxxers, i.e., ignorant people who regard epidemiology as government’s attempt to enslave them.

I had a reason to visit the hospital in Santa Barbara yesterday, and I asked someone how many Covid cases they had in their ICU. The answer, “10 or so, I believe.  Every one unvaccinated.”

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