Young People Passionate About the Environment, But Is There a Catch?

From Garrison Keillor’s weekly essay: “A walk in the park on a historic day”

The young are passionate about the environment and climate change. There are millions of people who cannot imagine modifying their sumptuous lifestyle in the interest of conservation in behalf of future generations and the habitability of the earth — they would rather die than do that and as soon as they do die, the world will take a step forward.

This is precisely what Dr. Jason Scorse, Associate Professor and Chair of the International Environmental Policy Program at The Monterey Institute of International Studies (pictured), told me when I interviewed him for my second book, Is Renewable Really Doable? — words to the effect of: The generation of people who cannot or will not change for the benefit of others is dying out–literally.

I have no doubt that young people carry with them a great deal of passion about environmental matters.  My concern is that, in general, they are under such pressure to keep up financially that they may not be able to muster enough strength to be aggressive politically. I’m afraid that the end of the American Empire is going to make life very difficult for the generation to come.  Hope I’m wrong.

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