Thinking About Treason? Please Read Message Below

The meme here came from a reader.  My response:

Well, that’s precisely what 600+ people attempted on January 6th. Trump told them, without evidence, that the election was stolen, and they had to “go down to the Capitol” and “fight like hell” to get their country back. That’s what they did. And now they’re being charged with everything from unlawful entry to vandalism, assault, battery, conspiracy, sedition, and treason.  They’re going to prison.

My advice:

First, go online and find a few professors of constitutional law at a law school of your choice, and ask if what is happening now truly violates your rights (hint: it doesn’t).

Second, if for whatever reason you still believe that the Declaration of Independence calls for you to overthrow the government, think this through very carefully before you get started.  There are laws against sedition that are enforced by 1.3 million law enforcement officials, assisted as necessary by 1.1 million active duty members of the military, not to mention the National Guard, the Army Reserves, and whatever else I may have missed.  The weaponry with which they enforce the laws of the 50 states is unmatched anywhere in the world, and will make hash out of a few hundred overweight conspiracy theorists with AR-15s.


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