Government By Ignorant, Hateful People Never Turns Out Well

From this piece on Brexit: See that pic (at left)? That’s a portrait of life in modern-day Britain. There’s shortages of everything, from gas, to food, to milk, to beer. Here’s a modern society running out of something completely fundamental and basic. Why?

The Brits have the same issue with racism and xenophobia as we do here in the States, which, of course, is what drove the lesser educated folks to vote to leave the EU, giving the U.K. the right to ban the influx of immigrants.

One consequence, however, is the enormous damage to the British economy, one aspect of which is massive shortages.  You have guys who formerly had impeccable manners, now getting into fist-fights over gasoline.

A conclusion that could be drawn from all this is that when a country goes the way of the uneducated racist low-life, bad things happen.

Here in the U.S., we haven’t turned our nation over to the MAGA people, and we haven’t accepted the Big Lie as truth.  But we came damn close, and we’re still not free and clear.

It can’t be overstated how important it is that these acts of treason against America and her democracy be stopped and the traitors held accountable.  History tells us that once a democracy is dashed to pieces, it’s incredibly hard to repair.

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