The “Good Old Days” Actually Were Pretty Darn Good

The point being made here isn’t entirely incorrect, but life in the United States 50 years ago actually was better than it is now in many important ways.  What we didn’t have then was technology that makes our lives longer, healthier, and more convenient. But what we also didn’t have was a country:

• Whose president blatantly defied rule of law and attempted to overthrow the federal government (and remains hard at work on it).

• That has an entire political party that still supports this man, and takes extreme backward positions on things like abortion, voter suppression and human rights.

• That is ignoring the quite visible and ever-accelerating collapse of our natural environment.

• Whose population has become so degraded and undereducated that things like mass shootings, anti-mask violence, and riots are a near-daily occurrence.

There have been a few isolated places in which social progress has been made, e.g., gay rights, but in general:

Technology: mostly good.  Virtually everything else: terrible.

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