New York State Says No To Expansion of Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants

From this piece in the New York Times:

In a major win for climate advocates and supporters of wind and solar energy, New York State environmental regulators refused on Wednesday to allow two companies to upgrade their gas-fueled power plants — signaling a newly aggressive approach to ending fossil-fuel emissions that drive climate change.

“Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time,” said Gov. Kathy Hochul (pictured) in a statement that praised a decision to deny upgrades at two gas-fueled power plants.

The timing of the announcement is doubtlessly tied to Biden’s appearance in Glasgow this weekend, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

The world is in the process of phasing out fossil fuels in favor of low-carbon energy sources, i.e., renewables and nuclear, all of this driven by a blend of public environmentalism and the pressure that we the people apply to government, as well as market forces and corporate PR.


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