Can Conservatives Mitigate Climate Change?

Bob Inglis is one of the more interesting characters in American politics.  A moderate Republican from South Carolina who served six terms in the House before the Tea Party removed him from office in 2010, Inglis was perhaps the only person in his party who embraced the science of global warming and overtly wanted to make climate change mitigation an important part of his platform.

Cleverly dubbed “the Al Gore of the Republican Party,” he stood no chance against his opponents who easily convinced voters that Inglis has simply flipped to the other side.

Now that Inglis is no longer in politics, he’s taken to promoting what he claims to be addressing climate change with conservative business principles, as expressed in the podcast linked here.

Do I agree that this is possible?  If I answered that question in this space, readers would have no reason to listen to the podcast, and so I’ll “hide” my response here.


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