Chemistry Technobabble

Now, I know a certain percentage of 2GreenEnergy readers have no training in chemistry beyond what they learned in high school half a century ago.

In any case, trust me that the A7P is the purest of technoBS.

I’m reminded of this famous YouTube video.  How this guy pulled this off without smiling is beyond me.

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2 comments on “Chemistry Technobabble
  1. Harold Hubert Hensel says:

    Thank you for pulling this addendum out and posting it. The person who wrote this is Akta Karanvirsingh Kalra.
    Akta has a master’s degree in Pharmacology. I am her friend who hears her out and encourages her. Harold Hensel, She is also brilliant.

  2. Harold Hubert Hensel says:

    Akta Karanvirsingh Kalra is the author of this post. She has her Master’s degree in Pharmacology I am her friend who hears her out and encourages her. She is brilliant.