Symbolism in Rural California

My wife and I take walks in the morning, around the neighborhoods in which 2GreenEnergy makes its home.

The photos here are from next-door neighbors to one another. Wow, I thought to myself.  A tree full of turkey buzzards, large, carnivorous, and vaguely frightening birds, perhaps because of their penchant for eating dead/rotting animals.  They like open spaces, including pastures, of which we have a great number, but one seldom sees carrion, so why are there so many?  Is there some sort of strange meaning?

Next door, the Gadsden flag (“Don’t Tread on Me“), which has, over recent years, become increasingly seen as a sign of white racism.

Now, you don’t have to be a poet laureate to conjure some possible symbolism to the pair of these spectacles.  I’m going with this:  The death and devouring of civility and intelligence in the United States, being replaced by savagery and the rejection of science.

There certainly is a lot of this going around in America today, and you don’t have to come to a little cow-town to see it.

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