What a Crumbling Middle Class Means

Why is it that Finland is still the world’s happiest place (followed by Iceland and Denmark in the top 3 positions)?

Well, it’s likely that there are many factors, but let’s admit that an impoverished and vanishing middle class is not conducive to happiness.

The last 40 years has systematically moved wealth to the top 1%, at the expense of everybody else.  Do American voters care about this?  We’ll learn more in November.

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One comment on “What a Crumbling Middle Class Means
  1. Effie Osborne says:

    Reagan started us down the slippery slope. He destroyed the union movement, which gave the middle class their hard fought benefits, when he fired the air traffic controllers. He destroyed funding for social programs and gave all the funds to the richest of the rich calling it trickle down. Apparently the American public forgot that trickle down never trickled down past the top 1%, because they pulled it off again in 2017. The named countries all are heavily taxed yet they are happy because they are taken care of from cradle to grave. There’s real happiness in security in your human dignity. I live in a suburb of Albuquerque – a mid sized city with 4,000 homeless children.