Expanding Silicon Valley Into Trumpsville

This sounds good on paper, but keep in mind three things:

1) There is a reason that manufacturing jobs have moved out of the U.S., and that’s money.  Things like electronics and solar panels are not made here because they would be nowhere near cost-competitive.

2) The gating factor behind clean energy is more about the nature of the grid here than about the availability of the hardware (turbines, etc.).

3) What makes Silicon Valley what it is?  The vast numbers of extremely well-trained and highly specialized people.  The people who write the algorithms for Google create next-gen apps of the iPhone were not assembling Buicks or mining coal last week.

Having said all this, there is no doubt that Trumpism will be with us in one form or another until these people can receive better educations that open the door to higher levels of affluence, while closing the door on ignorance and hate.

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