Old Fogies Generally Rebuke the Younger Generation

“Grown-ups” have always had issues with the culture of young people.  Adults in ancient Athens thought that Western Civilization was doomed because they deemed the youth of the day to be lazy, decadent, and uninterested in learning.

I remember quite clearly showing up for my piano lesson a few days after the Beatles’ appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show the previous Sunday evening.  My teacher echoed Mr. Jones’ viewpoint, and was mortified to learn that I (age 8) had watched the performance along with so many million others.

She was concerned that the purity of the world’s musical tastes were in the process of being destroyed.

She was an uptight gray-haired woman, but she treated me with great kindness, always praising me for even the most minute bit of progress.

I’m just glad she didn’t live to see this year’s Super Bowl halftime show.

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