I Believe That’s All We Need to Hear from William Barr

From this piece in Mother Jones:

In his forthcoming memoir recounting his time in the Trump White House, Bill Barr is clearly eager to shed the image of a doggedly loyal attorney general. “Off the rails” is how Barr describes his former boss in the book, a disparagement that made headlines last month. Trump’s persistent election lies are “bullshit,” Barr told NPR in a recent interview promoting his book release. Even the title of Barr’s memoir, One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of An Attorney General, gestures at seething frustration.

Barr’s resistance to Trump’s lies about a stolen election, which sparked his resignation in December 2020, is indeed notable; his new interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, in which Barr repeated his condemnation of Trump’s ongoing election fraud claims, has already produced a three-page letter from the former president.

That’s all fine.  But we’re talking about a man who said that, in 2024, he’d vote for Trump if he is the nominee.

Do we want to talk about “off the rails?”

If your moral code supports voting for someone who is still trying to overturn the election thus overthrowing the U.S. government , I’m afraid we’re pretty much done with you as a decent and credible actor.


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