Those Who Reject Science

The meme here is great, but most of the people who reject the findings of science do so because they are on the receiving end of false data they believe to be scientifically valid.

If you turn on Fox News and absorb what Sean Hannity is saying about COVID-19 vaccinations and/or remedies, for instance, note that he’s presenting a report that ostensibly comes from a respected scientific source.  It may a) extol the virtue of Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, or b) present evidence that Dr. Fauci is a fraud and/or crackpot, or c) suggest a vast criminal conspiracy that involves the CDC, FDA, mainstream news, or Hillary Clinton.

The point is: If you try hard enough, you can always find someone or something that sounds credible, and undermines the findings of the legitimate scientific community, and this is what Fox News does for a living.

My mom, who consumes a great deal of Fox News, is completely convinced that Dr. Fauci is a bad guy.  I ask, “Well, what’s your theory behind his 50-year career in epidemiology, during which he served six different presidents without even raising an eyebrow?  Why did he wait half a century before turning to the dark side?”


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