Solutions to Mitigate Climate Change

From this piece called: “Four solutions to mitigate climate change, from the IPCC”

(Responding to the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), climate scientist Michael Mann, a distinguished professor of atmospheric science at Penn State who will join the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Earth and Environmental Science, responded:


“There’s a greater sense of urgency, but there’s also agency.  Climate solutions exist now. We have the technology to transition rapidly away from fossil fuels and other carbon-generating activities. The obstacles aren’t technological; they are political.”

FWIW, this is why the majority of my posts over the past couple of years have been political at their core; nothing else matters.  We either find the political will to overcome the enormous power of the fossil fuel industry, or we don’t, and suffer the horrible consequences.

At its root, this means honesty in government, which is a commodity in short supply, as we just saw yesterday, when a) the justice department indicted the lieutenant governor of New York for taking a $50,000 bribe, while b) there hasn’t been a peep out of the DoJ re: Donald Trump’s attempting to bribe the President of Ukraine with $400 million in military assistance in exchange for investigating Hunter Biden.

As long as our government is essentially dishonest, we really don’t have a prayer.

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