Does Our Society Manipulate Young People into Conformity and Apathy?

Perhaps the ultimate conspiracy theory, and it’s one that’s been around for at least the last 300 years ago, is that all the major decisions that are made on this planet come from a mysterious and invisible group of the ultra-elite, say, the Illuminati.

Let me ask you this: Given what you know about world politics, does it seem likely that the Xi, Putin, and Trump answer to some more powerful group of people?  Someone even crazier than Trump himself ordered the former president to attempt to overthrow the United States government?

Noam Chomsky is arguably the most intelligent and best-informed person on the planet, but I think he has this one wrong.  I believe that what we’re seeing is a natural consequence of the greed and amorality that is inseparable from unregulated capitalism.

The winners have won and the losers have lost, so now most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Yes, most of them are uninvolved politically, but it’s hard to believe that’s by design.



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