Critical Thinking Is a Good Thing, But …..

The meme here is a fine example of how right-wing ideologies are hard to refute.  I happen to believe that people who are capable of critical thinking are more likely to be progressives, but it’s impossible to disprove the theory that teachers indoctrinate their students into liberal belief systems.

This dilemma exists in, I would submit, every single arena in which left and right opinions exist.

Nonreligious people can’t prove that God doesn’t exist. Immigration rights advocates can’t prove that a border wall wouldn’t reduce crime. Pro-choicers can’t prove that an aborted fetus wouldn’t have become the scientist who cured cancer.

There is a limit here, however.  Trickle-down economics doesn’t work.  Climate change actually is destroying the planet.  Vaccinations are safe and effective. Yet Fox News can cherry-pick an “expert” in each of these fields who will refute the overwhelming scientific consensus.

And speaking of Fox News, this is why it continues to exist.  There are people whose brains are “wired” to seek out right-wing thought patterns, and there are no rational arguments that will ever change their minds.

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