Most Gun Owners Are Good People

It’s important to keep in mind that most gun owners are not NRA members, and, generally, vehemently disapprove of the organization’s indifference to safety, which make the danger of mass shootings many times higher than it would be if guns were registered, background checks were enforced, owners were trained, and assault weapons were banned.

From this:

The NRA reached 5 million members in 2013, prompting its leader, Wayne LaPierre, to proclaim that the group would double its ranks to 10 million, according to USA Today. While its base swelled to 6 million members by 2018, it has lost ground since then, with LaPierre saying in a 2021 deposition that its membership was “under 4.9 million.”

As usual, since the vast majority of people are good, most folks stand for things like safety, heath, environmental responsibility, quality education, fairness, racial harmony, and honor.  There is only one reason things as evil as school massacres can exist: money.

If we can remove corruption from our lawmaking process, we’ll have a country of which we can all be proud.

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