What Our Colleges Do

From the “Foundation for Individual Rights in Education”: 

Free speech doesn’t just mean having everyone agree with you and living in an echo chamber. There are lots of things that I don’t agree with, but if someone else believes those things—that’s their right.  If you agree, sign the petition below to protect students’ rights to free speech on campus.

As the U.S. educational system continues its descent into oblivion and Americans lose their capacity to think clearly, opportunities begin to arise that would have been non-starters just a decade or so ago.  This is a great example: a group claiming that learning institutions are constitutionally bound to expose their students to any and all ideas that presenters would like to offer.
In a few days, I’ll be headed back to my alma mater for our 45th reunion. As I stroll around the campus and reminisce with old friends, I’ll be free to tell them, at my own peril, that Hitler was a good guy, the Earth is flat, climate change is a hoax, the Second Amendment guarantees my right to own a Howitzer, Caucasians are the master race, our government planned the pandemic, or whatever I choose.
I will not be free to force the college to let me teach a course on any of this crap.
Separating truth from bullshit is what colleges do.  It’s what our parents pay our tuition for.
Sadly, not everyone understands this.
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