Jailed Oath Keeper Says Fellow Inmates Throw Feces at Him

Life isn’t pleasant for any prison inmates, but it’s rumored to be particularly ugly (and short) for those whose crimes violate the ethical mores of the common felons.

If you killed your wife because she was unfaithful, or even disrespectful, or if you got revenge against someone who had betrayed your family, that’s “no harm no foul.” Child molesters, however, as an example, face day-to-day threats against their lives, and many of them are killed within months, or even weeks, of their incarceration.

From this piece, it seems that the Proud Boys, white supremacist Trump supporters, fall into this second category.  Imagine being surrounded by the scummiest people on Earth, only to have them regard you as even lower, hurling their feces at you whenever possible.



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