From The New Yorker’s Andy Borowitz: “Women Declare Themselves Corporations to Force Supreme Court to Grant Them Rights as People”

He continues: Attorneys across the nation indicated that they have been swamped by requests from clients seeking to incorporate as soon as possible.

I know I do a great deal of gushing about Borowitz and his amazing wit, but clearly he’s done it again.

It’s the melding of two news items that have no real connection, in this case, banning abortion and Citizens United, in a way no one (and I mean literally no one) could have foreseen.

If I were to attempt something like this, I guess I would build a spreadsheet of perhaps one hundred different topics, update it daily, and pore over it to constantly see if I could come up with anything that works.

It would be a full-time job, and even then, I doubt I could come anywhere close to the master here.

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