Borowitz: “Republicans Worry That Midterm Voters Might Believe Women Deserve Rights”

It easy to feel sorry for professional comedians like The New Yorker’s Andy Borowitz, because it’s hard to be funny when the real world is behaving with such comical ineptitude.

There is actually nothing funny in Borowitz’s piece; Republicans actually are worried that removing women’s rights that have been in place for 50 years is a move for which they may pay a heavy price in the November midterms.

Why any woman with the IQ of a turnip would vote for a party that is so hostile to her autonomy and basic dignity is a complete mystery.

On top of that, you’re talking about blatant misogyny; many males in the GOP are known to be p****-grabbing sex abusers, which, one would think, just might amplify women’s disgust.

Strange days indeed.

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