Journalism Should Be Honest

At left is the topic of conversation that I have constantly with my mom, whether we’re talking about climate change, the Big Lie, the handling of COVID, or any of a dozen other “controversial” subjects.

She sees televised interviews with people (on Fox News) who say that climate change is a hoax, that the election was stolen, and that Dr. Fauci is a criminal.  I reply:  You are aware, I’m sure, that if you look hard enough, you can find someone who will tell you that the Earth is flat. The existence of people like this has no bearing on the shape of our planet.

This, FWIW, is how we wound up with Trump in the first place: the news media was making so much advertising money from sponsors of their shows presenting Trump as a colorful, viable character, that they refused to do what was right, i.e., explain that he is a vulgar career criminal and a pathological liar.

The president of CBS said, during the presidential campaign leading up to the 2016 election, “Oh, I understand that he (Trump) is terrible for the country; there is no doubt about that.  But I can tell you that he is wonderful for CBS News.”

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