Climate Change Affects Those We Love Most

My wife is not handling the heat well up here at 2GreenEnergy headquarters in Santa Barbara County where the temperature topped out at 109 F this afternoon.

I tried to amuse her with an excerpt of a discussion on the subject that went like this:

Person A: It’s hotter than any year in the past.

Person B: It’s cooler than any year in the future.

Of course, this isn’t precisely true.  The increase in the Earth’s temperature is not strictly linear.  There have been hotter years in the past, and it’s almost certain there will be cooler years in the future. Thus far in 2022, the average global land and ocean-surface temperature is the sixth-warmest year to date on record, at 1.55 degrees F above average.

Yet an important point has been made: it actually is getting hotter.  I could have baked my famous eggplant parmigiana in our mailbox this afternoon.

Our society faces several challenges, some look more fixable than others.  Will Donald Trump turn the United States into a fascist dictatorship?   In a word, no.  No one can predict exactly what’s going to transpire in American politics, but it’s certainly the beginning of the end for Trump.

Climate change is another matter, because of both the enormity of the problem and humankind’s glaring lack of willingness to take it on.

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