Is the Greenland Ice Sheet Growing?

Here’s a conversation between me and the climate denier I mentioned yesterday in my post: Fringe Belief on Climate Change.

Reader: “Climate change is a totalitarian position.” (He concluded this from someone who said that the science of climate change “cannot be challenged.”)

Craig: Fortunately for us all, this is a fringe belief. Just beyond the outer edge of the outer rim of the fringe.

Reader: (This is) one case where the mainstream has swallowed a lie wholesale and the fringe is 100% correct.

Craig:  Well, I find myself in the fortunate position of knowing dozens of these people personally, some of whom I interviewed for the four books I’ve written on renewables and environmental sustainability.  Many of these folks have been studying the subject since the 1970s.  The scientific world (and the mainstream media) finds them quite credible.

Reader:  Thought you might like this: Greenland Just Gained A Record Smashing 7 Gigatons of Snow Ice In One Day!

Impressive surface mass balance (SMB) readings–a calculation to determine the ‘health’ of a glacier––have been posted across the Greenland ice sheet all season, particularly during the so-called summer ‘melt’ season.

Case in point is yesterday’s (Aug 29’s) record-smashing 7 Gigaton GAIN — a reading that would be impressive at any time of year, but one that has entered the books as the largest ever daily gain during the summer (with data extending back to the 1980s).

Craig: Doesn’t it strike you as weird that this datum can be found only in “Electroverse?”  If you check this out, you’ll see that it’s pure crap.

If you honestly want to know what’s happening with the Greenland ice sheet, try Googling it (see link) and reading a few of the 13.7 million articles on the subject.


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